Two certificate programs starting in February

Two certificate programs at Library Juice Academy are starting in February: The Certificate in User Experience (UX) and the Certificate in XML and RDF-Based Systems. Both of these programs are six courses in length, and both have been taught once already in the past year.

The first class in each of these programs starts February 3rd, and enrollment is possible through February 10th. Through February 10th, you can also register for an entire series and get a 10% discount.

We interviewed instructor Robert Chavez about his series, if you’d like to learn more about what is covered in it and why it might be right for you. (The main goal of the program is to give you you competency as a coder in XML and RDF-based systems that create, transform, manage, and disseminate content and metadata.)

The UX series is designed to teach you the fundamentals of user experience (UX) and how to apply user-centered strategies to library websites and beyond. We interviewed Rebecca Blakiston, who organized the series, so that she could describe it more fully to people who may be interested. In December, the instructors for these courses got together and put on an “Unconference” at the University of Arizona, where they discussed the topics of their courses. Their presentations are available online.

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